Magnificent Melanoidins
Black garlic is known for its unique colour which develops during the fermentation and ageing process. Melanoidins are the molecules responsible f...
Black garlic is known for its unique colour which develops during the fermentation and ageing process. Melanoidins are the molecules responsible f...
The Okinawan Japanese have one of the highest life expectancies on earth. Following their unique diet could improve your heart health and potentia...
Two types of good bacteria that are commonly found on our tongues could be used to predict a person's risk of heart failure. Bacteria have been ...
Japanese Black Garlic is known around the world for its sweet taste, striking appearance and surprising effects on heart health. Aomori prefecture...
The age at which you go through menopause can dramatically change your risk of heart disease. Here's how the menopause can affect your heart. Th...
Many of us spend a significant chunk of our lives working behind a desk. Your workplace could be affecting your heart health – here's what you can...
The festive period is a time for relaxing at home, speaking with friends and eating delicious Christmas treats. Here are some tips to keep your he...
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) affects around seven million people in the UK. Here's an overview of how the disease can occur and what you can do t...
Here are four heart-healthy berries that are packed full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Eating them could help your heart and circul...
Riding a bike is a great way to get heart-healthy aerobic exercise. NHS doctors may soon be prescribing cycling to overweight patients and bike r...
Laughing is linked to some surprising health benefits. It's believed that regular laughter can reduce heart disease risk, lower artery inflammati...
Taking part in arts and crafts activities can help reduce stress and anxiety, two key risk factors for developing heart disease. Modern human...