Smoking: Your Heart after Quitting

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your heart. Despite the poster campaigns and clear warnings on cigarette packaging, most smokers don't fully understand how smoking affects the body. Some people think that there's no point in quitting as the damage is already done, but this couldn't be further from the truth. It's never too late to quit. Over time, your body will repair some of the damage done to your lungs, blood vessels and heart.

Your Heart while Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking tobacco damages the lungs. It also damages the heart, making the arteries, which pump blood into the heart, become sticky and tight. The blood in your body also becomes thicker and blood clots can form, potentially causing heart attacks.

Carbon monoxide, tar and other substances in cigarette smoke can raise cholesterol, increasing your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. The sooner you quit, the lower these risks become.

One Hour after Quitting

After just one hour of stopping, your blood pressure will begin to drop and your heart rate will decrease back to a more normal level.

One Day after Quitting

The carbon monoxide circulating in your blood will have been removed. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance which attaches to red blood cells, stopping oxygen from getting from your lungs to the rest of the body.

One Month after Quitting

Once you've managed to make it through the first month, things start to get easier. Your cravings will die down and blood circulation will improve. The taste buds in your mouth will have repaired themselves and your sense of smell should be noticeably improved. The blood will become less thick and sticky, flowing around the body more efficiently and putting less strain on your heart and other organs.

One Year after Quitting

After just one year without cigarettes, the risk of you developing heart disease will be 50% lower than a smoker. As time goes on, this risk will continue to drop. New, healthy lung cells may start to replace damaged cells. Your nasty smoker's cough should have cleared up and you'll be able to move around without getting as breathless. The overall quality of your life will be improved. Plus, you'll have saved a significant amount of money!,to%2015%20years%20after%20quitting